
AI at work: how to combine skills and employee well-being

AI at work: how to combine skills and employee well-being


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Artificial intelligence (AI) in the workplace is the hot topic of the moment, arousing both enthusiasm and anxiety among employees. Between those who enjoy using it on a daily basis and those who dread being replaced, AI is at the heart of employees' and employers' concerns. So how can you make it an ally, complementing the skills of your teams?

AI, a source of anxiety at work

Artificial intelligence is perceived in contrasting ways by employees. While some see it as a valuable aid, others fear its impact on their jobs and their quality of life at work. This source of anxiety can affect employees' overall well-being.

AI, a daily threat?

According to the Boston Consulting Group, 42% of French people fear losing their jobs because of AI. Concern is growing as AI becomes integrated into everyday tasks: generating visuals, writing emails, analyzing data, etc. Artificial intelligences and the functionalities they offer are manifold, and the fear of seeing one's skills lose value is very much present among many employees.

Other employees adopt AI discreetly, fearing the judgment of their peers or superiors. In Switzerland, a Deloitte study reveals that a quarter of employees using AI do so without informing their manager. Shame or the desire to maintain a competitive edge are often behind this secrecy, which can create a climate of mistrust and affect the quality of life at work.

AI and change management

Change in business is always tricky, especially when AI comes into play. Some employees, resistant to new technologies, see AI as a step backwards rather than a step forward. This resistance can disrupt team harmony and QWL, making it essential to provide appropriate support to overcome these challenges.

One solution: support for teams

Faced with the rise of AI, companies need to take steps to prevent this transition fromimpacting the HRQoL and skills of their employees.

Raising awareness of the use of AI.

AI is gradually taking root in people's minds and conversations, but it's crucial to frame this debate to avoid misunderstandings and unfounded fears. Making your teams aware of the realities of AI, explaining its benefits, limits and risks, is essential to allaying fears and boosting quality of life at work. Open communication will enable everyone to feel involved and better informed on this complex subject.

Establish a charter of good AI practices

The integration of AI within the company must be framed by a charter of good practice. This charter, drawn up with the participation of employees, will define the rules for using AI, taking into account the risks associated with handling sensitive data and the quality of the content generated. Drawn up with the participation of employees or staff representatives, it's the ideal opportunity to create a group project, highly conducive to a good QVCT!

Train your employees in AI

AI training is essential to enable your teams to take full advantage of this tool, while enabling them to evolve and gain skills. Without necessarily investing heavily, you can identify skilled employees who will share their knowledge with their colleagues, or make use of existing resources. A better command of AI will improve employees' confidence in their skills and their well-being at work.

AI and QWL: a duo to consider for employee well-being

The impact of artificial intelligence on quality of life at work is undeniable. AI-related anxiety, changes in social relations and work organization are all challenges to be met. Companies need to anticipate these issues to protect their employees' QWL.

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