Date de création

Nombre de salariés


Impact sur la santé

Improve well-being and performance with QHCT workshops and training courses

Ikea places quality of life and working conditions at the heart of its HR priorities, but also wanted to rely on external support for certain wellbeing and health actions aimed at its employees. We supported them on one-shot actions and during QVCT week.

Moha's proposal: tailored actions and experts selected specifically for Ikea's needs

Team health at the heart of our priorities

In order to meet Ikea's requirements, we proposed actions tailored to their needs and objectives, from a wide choice of over 100 workshops and training courses.

  • Chair yoga: the easy way to relax in the office
  • Learning to say no for greater assertiveness
  • Learn to say no (part 2) for more in-depth discussion, at participants' request!

Chair Yoga workshop a great success

Already very promising results

Hosting conferences for QWL week

On the occasion of the week dedicated to improving the Quality of Life and Working Conditions 2024, Ikea once again called on us to take action for the health of its employees. We organized 2 conferences on the theme of resilience.

Conference: "Faut que ça change: développer sa résilience" (Let's change)

  • 2 sessions during the week to adapt to employees' needs
  • 1h30 conference with context, advice and real-life situations

A successful QVCT week at Ikea

N°1 mobilier et de la décoration en France


Le bilan QVCT et santé de l’entreprise

Score QVCT :

Bien-être et santé
Niveau de stratégie QVCT

Vous souhaitez vous faire accompagner dans vos démarches QVCT ?

Make an appointment

Transformez vos défis RH en avantages concurrentiels

Moha, la première plateforme tout-en-un pour piloter vos programmes de santé et bien-être au travail, centrés sur les besoins de vos collaborateurs et dédiés à la performance globale de votre entreprise.