QVCT tips

These free actions to boost QWL in your company

These free actions to boost QWL in your company


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Would you like to improve your company's QWL (Quality of Life and Working Conditions), but think that only large groups with big budgets can afford it? Think again! QWL is not just about luxurious perks like unlimited vacations or luncheon vouchers. There are plenty of initiatives available, whatever your company's size or budget.

What is QVCT?

To really understand how to improve QWL in a company, it's important to understand what it really consists of. Believing that the best thing to do is to set up a pool table and offer trips is not only likely to cost you money, but also to do nothing to advance your approach. QWL is all about optimizing employees' quality of life and working conditions. To achieve this, it is important to address several key dimensions.

The 6 key dimensions of QWL

To really take into account all the aspects essential to a good QVCT, we need to consider 6 main themes.

Moha's 6 dimensions of QHCT

Managerial practices: to carry out their work in the best possible conditions, employees need optimal managerial practices. These include benevolent and constructive feedback, clear instructions, as well as listening and freedom to perform tasks.

Working conditions: the environment in which employees work has a major impact on their work. We're talking, for example, about the right to disconnect, the fight against sedentary lifestyles, the prevention of psycho-social risks and the need for appropriate work equipment.

Social relations: to feel at ease in your working environment, social relations play a major role. This involves, first and foremost, links with colleagues and superiors in terms of teamwork, but also simply human relations: getting on well with colleagues, not feeling judged, etc.

Work organization: the way in which work is organized plays a decisive role in QWL. For example, flexible working hours and access to telecommuting can guarantee a significant pro/personal balance. Rituals and team support are also part of the equation.

Job content: today, the meaning of work is essential for many workers. Carrying out tasks without understanding their meaning and purpose can have an impact not only on motivation, but also on team morale. Work content must therefore be understood by employees, to enable them to flourish in their tasks.

Evolution and equality: feeling good about your company means knowing that you can evolve, but also that everyone has the same opportunities. Inclusion, diversity and equality are an integral part of a good QWL, as are skills development and internal evolution.

download the free white paper to understand everything about QVCT

How to improve your HRQoL for free?

Conduct internal surveys

To know where to start, it's essential to understand your current situation. An internal diagnosis is a key step. Perhaps your management practices are already top-notch, but you could improve the way you organize your work. The best thing to do is to carry out an internal survey, which will reveal your areas for improvement.

Establish charters

Charters can clarify expectations and improve practices within the company. For example:

  • Teleworking Charter: define good teleworking practices, such as hours of availability and authorized teleworking days.
  • Right to Disconnect Charter: establish rules for respecting the right to disconnect, such as time slots without communication.
  • Meeting Charter: specify the objectives and contributions expected to make meetings more effective.

Our advice: consult your teams to define these charters together, so that they correspond to as many people as possible.

Set up rituals

La culture d’entreprise permet de créer un cadre agréable pour les salariés. Elle passe notamment par certaines habitudes internes qui ont du sens. Par exemple, organisez des pauses actives pour promouvoir la santé et renforcer les liens sociaux.

Optimize internal communications

Good communication is essential for a smooth organization and harmonious relationships. Use tools like Slack or Discord, and set up regular meetings to keep your staff up to date with what's going on in the company.

At Moha, we hold a monthly team meeting to review each team's news and successes, needs and future projects. The aim is to keep everyone in-house up to date with what's going on in the company.

free resource to find out about the best QHCT practices to implement in your company to improve well-being at work

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