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Why and how can you involve your employees in QHCT?

Have you ever found yourself on the other side of the mirror? On the side of employees who receive a QVCT questionnaire, without having been made aware of it beforehand. To give you an idea of their point of view, it often goes like this:

-Did you fill in the questionnaire we sent you 2 weeks ago?

-No, we didn't even get an explanation of why!

-I filled it out, but we never had any news about the rest...

In these situations, it's hard to get employees involved if they're not made aware of the approach. We explain why and how!

Is QHCT just an HR issue?

While this approach is often initiated by human resources managers, it shouldn't remain locked away in the office!

In "QVCT improvement", there are 2 things that can put us off:

  • Quality of life and working conditions don't just concern HR staff, but all the teams who work there! From the outset, all employees are concerned.
  • Improvement means taking into account the current state of affairs, to make it better! In this case, it's time to take stock, and ask employees about their perception of the current QWL.

Of course, this approach must be adapted to the realities of the field and office life. That's why, even if they are often the ambassadors, HR are not the only ones concerned by QWL: far from it!

Why involve employees in QHCT?

When you embark on this process, you want to do it right. So far, so good. In this case, to implement an effective strategy, it's vital to involve employees from the outset, for a number of reasons.

illustration of happy people giving their ideas for their company's QWL

Tailor your QHCT approach to your business

If all we had to do was copy a standard plan from any company, things would be much simpler. But the QVCT actions to be implemented are always different from one company to another, because no two situations are identical!

So you need to look at your employees' needs, to identify risk factors, areas for improvement and their requirements for a better quality of life and working conditions.

Launching your approach blindly, without adapting your actions to the situation on the ground, runs the risk of having no real impact on improving your QVCT.

Your employees' commitment, essential for a QHCT approach

The easiest way to find out what your employees need is to ask them. And to do this, you need to involve them and make them understand the importance of their opinion. If you don't, your QHCT questionnaire to take their pulse may not get many responses, and the data collected will probably not be meaningful enough to take action.

So if you want to involve your employees, it's important to explain to them and make them aware of the usefulness of the approach, so that they collaborate on it.

How can you involve your employees in your QHCT approach?

illustration of people meeting to watch the sunset

It's easier said than done: how do you motivate all your employees to get involved in a company initiative? Well, with a few simple actions, it's totally possible to get them actively involved!

Raising awareness among your teams

If you don't start there, everything will be more complicated later on. You yourself, behind your screen, surely like to know why you do things. We're more directly involved in a project when it makes sense to us, and when we know its purpose.

Raising your employees' awareness is essential if you really want to get them involved: why this project, how it's going to work, what the next steps are...

For example, they will be more willing to answer a questionnaire, or take part in a workshop, if they know it will improve their quality of life and working conditions.

Understand their needs to better meet them

To ensure that your employees are fully involved in the process, we strongly advise you to listen to their needs. To do this, you can engage them by asking them directly how they feel at work, in order to bring up key points for improvement.

The easiest way to start is to share a questionnaire with them. At Moha, we also offer the "Objectif mieux-être" workshop, based on the rose-épine-bourgeon method. The idea is to identify strengths, weaknesses and ideas for improving QWL! This way, your employees feel they're really being listened to, and are therefore more inclined to get involved with you.

Keep employees informed throughout the process

illustration of a person walking on an upward-pointing arrow symbolizing growth

If there's one thing that many companies don't think about when implementing their QHCT strategy, it's keeping their teams informed. Involving employees isn't just something you do when you need them, it's something you do all the time.

Your employees will gladly take part in your questionnaires and workshops to improve their QWL. On the other hand, they will also expect you to keep them informed of progress. We therefore advise you to let them know about the next action to be implemented, to share with them the progress of your QWL score, and so on. This is essential to keep them committed over the long term.

Moha's QVCT support to engage your teams

We believe that all the elements we have listed are essential to your success. It's all part of our support!

After defining the strategy and objectives in advance with you, we will work with your teams (by video or face-to-face) to raise their awareness and answer any questions they may have. Then, in order to collect the clearest answers from your employees, we provide you with questionnaires based on a scientific methodology. Different questionnaires to suit different needs: HRQoL, well-being and health...

Finally, to keep your employees involved, we provide regular updates on the progress of the approach, and offer you communication kits to keep your teams informed.

Would you like to find out more about Moha support? Visit our website to find out all about it, or make an appointment directly with a member of our team!