
The DUERP: your simple guide to successful risk assessment

The DUERP: your simple guide to successful risk assessment


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You're not born an expert on the Document Unique d'Evaluation des Risques Professionnels (DUERP), but you can become a pro with a little practice! Are you wondering what this famous DUERP is, and why it's so important? Don't panic, we'll explain it all in detail, in a simple and accessible way.

What is the DUERP?

An essential document for the safety of your teams

The DUERP, despite its complex name, is a fundamental tool for ensuring the safety of your employees. This document helps you to assess all the occupational risks your employees may face. With the DUERP, you can anticipate potential hazards, implement preventive measures and reinforce workplace safety. In short, it helps you protect your employees and create a safer working environment.

Is the DUERP mandatory?

For companies with fewer than 11 employees: as of March 31, 2022, annual updating of the DUERP is no longer compulsory. However, it must be updated in the event of significant changes in working conditions, or in the event of new information on risks.

For companies with between 11 and 50 employees: you must draw up a DUERP and update it every year. You must also define preventive actions for identified risks. Knowing the risks is important, but so is preventing them!

For companies with over 50 employees: in addition to the DUERP, you must also draw up an Annual Program for the Prevention of Occupational Risks and Improvement of Working Conditions (PAPRIPACT). This program specifies prevention actions, their cost, and the timetable for implementation.

How do I draw up a DUERP for my company?

Who is responsible for the DUERP?

The employer is responsible for creating the DUERP, but can delegate this task. For the most comprehensive assessment possible, it is advisable to mobilize several stakeholders: employees, their representatives, the social and economic committee (CSE), or occupational medicine.

What should be included in the DUERP?

Your DUERP must cover all the risks in your company, including physical and psychosocial risks. Remember to include information on workplace layout, manufacturing processes, work organization and the equipment used.

Which model to use for the DUERP?

Although there is no standard model imposed by the French Labor Code, you can easily create your DUERP with an Excel spreadsheet. Classify risks by severity and frequency to facilitate management. At Moha, we've developed a template that lists tasks, hazardous situations, possible consequences and preventive measures envisaged. If you need help drawing up your DUERP, don't hesitate to contact us!

What happens once the DUERP has been completed?

Once you've completed your DUERP, don't leave it lying around in a drawer! You need to make it available to a number of people : your employees, the CSE, the CHSCT (health, safety and working conditions committee), staff representatives and the occupational physician. Make sure it's accessible at all times, to ensure proper risk management.

You're now well on the way to mastering the DUERP! If you still have questions or need support, our team is here to help. Find out more about our support services, or book an appointment to discuss your needs!

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