5 QHCT indicators for a healthy company

How do you know if your company really excels in terms of well-being at work, and if your employees are satisfied? Can we rely on employees' smiles to deduce that they are fulfilled? Before questioning your employees, here are 5 key signs that your company offers an excellent Quality of Life and Working Conditions (QWLC) and that theemployee experience is positive. Ready to take stock of your QWL?
QWL Indicator #1: Employee feedback
It may seem paradoxical, but when your employees suggest areas for improvement, it's often a sign that your QWL is strong. If your employees feel comfortable sharing their concerns or proposing solutions, it's because they trust the company's culture. This openness to dialogue reflects a positive employee experience, where everyone feels listened to and involved in the company's continuous improvement.
A case in point? At Moha, we introduced a weekly sharing of priorities for each team after identifying a lack of communication. If your employees take the initiative to point out things that need to be reviewed, congratulations: you've created an environment conducive to quality QWL.
QVCT Indicator #2: Positive social relations
Social relations at work are a strong indicator of quality of life at work. Colleagues who laugh together, support each other and collaborate effectively show that the working atmosphere is positive. After all, relationships are just as important to health as physical and mental fitness. Non-violent communication and conflict management are therefore extremely important interpersonal skills to work on and develop.
Harmonious social relations are a clear sign of a successful employee experience, contributing to a better overall QWL.
QVCT Indicator #3: A low turnover rate
Today, quality of working life is one of the number 1 reasons for staying with a company, even ahead of salary! Turnover is therefore a key indicator of employee satisfaction. If your employees stay with your company for a long time, it's because they feel good, and want to build their careers alongside you. A low turnover rate is therefore a sign of an attractive employer brand and a successful QVCT: good for recruitment! Because if your employees feel good in your company, they can see it, and above all, they talk about it.

QWL Indicator #4: Respect for work-life balance
If your employees aren't answering e-mails outside working hours, the good news is that they're managing to disconnect and preserve their well-being. A real need in today's post-Covid era, when everyone's needs are refocused on what's essential. The boundaries of personal life are becoming more marked, and if your teams aren't working overtime, it's because their right to disconnect is 100% respected.
Encouraging this balance is essential to ensure a sustainable quality of well-being at work, a key aspect of your QWL.

QWL Indicator #5: Sound managerial practices
Managerial practices play a decisive role in employee well-being. In fact, according to a global study entitled "Mental Health at Work: Managers and Money", almost 70% of employees feel that their manager has as muchinfluence on their mental health as their own spouse. Hence the importance of placing one's trust in caring managers who regularly provide constructive feedback and adapt their management to the needs of their teams.
If you can see that your managers have good relationships with their teams, and that effective management rituals are in place, it's highly likely that your company is a good place to work, and that your QWL is strengthened.

So, how's your QVCT?
After reviewing these signs, you should have a clearer idea of your employees' QWL and well-being. And if you'd like to get a clearer idea, and you've got 3 minutes to spare, how about carrying out your own QWL audit? Quick, easy and free of charge, find out where you stand in terms of QWL!